
Saturday, October 31, 2009

We're back!

Hi All,
Peirce School Library's Blog has taken a long vacation but is officially back!

It is almost time for the Massachusetts Children's Book Award celebration to begin. This year I am presenting a challenge to Peirce 4th and 5th graders. I plan to read EACH AND EVERY TITLE for the 2009-2010 vote. Do you want to challenge me to a read off?? Stay tuned for information on what I am reading and how my progress in the challenge is going! So far I have read...

Rules- by Cynthia Lord
The Lemonade War- Jacqueline Davies
The London Eye Mystery- Siobhan Dowd
Swindle- by Gordon Korman

Yikes, I better get reading!

Happy Halloween!
Ms. Lightfoot

Thursday, January 8, 2009