
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oggie Cooder by Sarah Weeks

Weeks, Sarah. Oggie Cooder. New York : Scholastic Press, 2008. ISBN 0439927919

Have you ever charved? What?! You have never even heard of charving? Well- charving is a combination of chewing and carving slices of cheese into shapes, and fourth grader Oggie Cooder happens to be an expert charver. At school everybody picks on Oggie, just because he dresses and acts a little differently. After he wins a spot on a popular television talent show for his charving ability everyone wants to be just like him. However, when his manager, popular classmate Donnica Perfecto, begins trying to change Oggie to make him even more of a hit with potential viewers, charving and popularity starts to lose their appeal.
Recommended for grades 4 and up.

Check out these cool cheese carvings....

Cheese on the cob!

This Cheesosaurus didn't go extinct...he melted!

Do you think a princess made of cheese lives in this Cheese Castle?

Photo from

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