
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Savvy by Ingrid Law

Law, Ingrid. Savvy. New York, NY : Dial Books for Young Readers, 2008. ISBN 978-0-8037-3306-0

The Beaumont Family is special. The people in their town can't quite put their finger on what it is that makes the Beaumont's special. On their 13th birthday each Beaumont gets a special gift- a Savvy. Nobody can predict what their savvy will be, or how powerful it will be. Rocket creates electricity and Fish creates storms and now it is Mibs' turn to get a special savvy. A few days before Mibs' birthday, her father is in a terrible accident and now lies unconscious in the hospital. Mibs knows deep in her heart that her new savvy will help her father wake up from his coma- if she can just get to the hospital. When Mibs sees an opportunity for a ride by sneaking onto a salesman's truck, she takes it. But when other children follow her and they all get stuck on the truck going the wrong way they are in for quite the adventure.

Official Savvy Website

Check out the author's site

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